155 | EMPOWER | #StrongIsTheNewPretty Project

I come from a very traditional Hispanic family where I was expected to act and be a certain way.  I was expected to dress a certain way, talk a certain way.  Instead I grew up to be an athlete, a ballet dancer, a good student, a model, a Soldier.  It does not get more "outside the box" than that.  And I did all these things because my parents especially my father noticed my independent personality as a child and instead of crushing my spirit, he nurtured it by never telling me that I could not do anything.  And growing up in that loving and nurturing environment gave me self confidence and made my independent spirit bolder and fearless.  That my friends, has served me well throughout my life, especially as a Soldier.  Those memories are like snapshots of motivation that move through my mind reminding me who I am.  And I love it because I do believe there is power in images and the message they convey.  A few nights ago I was on Facebook when I saw this image and it stopped me on my tracks.
Strong is the New Pretty - by Kate Parker

Talk about a powerful image.  The first word that came to my mind was "little badass"  then I thought of many more:


You can tell all this from this photo.  Upon doing more research, I found out this photo is part of a project by photographer Kate T. Parker who wanted to use her talent as a photographer to capture her daughters' life and in time turned into a study of her daughters personalities.  Eventually shooting her daughters as they genuinely are, STRONG GIRLS, became the focus of the project.  She wanted to show them that they are ENOUGH.  Are you loving this yet? Because I am.   As an aunt to three girls who range from super girlie to uber tomboy, I appreciate each of my girls' personalities and who they are.  So, this premise behind the project grabbed me.  Not only because the photos are beautiful and strong but because they are a celebration of who they are.

Strong is the New Pretty - by Kate Parker 


Strong is the New Pretty - by Kate Parker

Strong is the New Pretty - by Kate Parker

I am world that is constantly pressuring girl to be and act a certain way, I commend efforts like Kate Parker's.  Because slowly the word is starting to change how the world views women, their roles and their abilities-- for the better.   Kate's feelings about this campaign are beautifully summarized below:

"I wanted to continue that feeling of “You are OK just as you are” with my girls. Being a mother of little girls only cemented my belief even more. Encouraging strength, confidence, kindness, as well as toughness was the path we decided upon when we started raising our girls. This feeling and sentiment bled over into my photography where oftentimes everything is beautiful or photoshopped to look perfect. I wanted to show the beauty, uniqueness, and strength of my girls (and their friends) in the imperfect.  Messy hair, dirty faces, brave, angry, joyous, whatever is was… I wanted to capture it. All these emotions make up childhood."

And momma, I salute you for that.  We need more women to stand up against the crazy pressures we are putting on women from the time they are children.  To show them they are strong, capable, and confident.  As someone who benefited from parents who instilled that in me, I can tell you that no better gift can be given to a child but especially a girl.  Because every girl counts.  Every girl rock! 


  1. I love these, what great photos! thanks for sharing!

  2. Love this post! I've really enjoyed your blog, and nominated you for the Liebster Award. Hope it brings you some traffic and fun!
    You can check my nomination out at www.thepantryproject.com

    1. Awe, thank you. This is very nice of you! I will check it out! :-)

  • Wow, I'm in love with these photographs! What a spectacular tribute to children and girls especially. Thank you for introducing us to Kate T. Parker... and bravo to your parents for raising such a strong confident fearless lady :)

    1. I have to say my parents are pretty remarkable :-) I truly love these photos and this tribute to her girls. A beautiful way to look back at your childhood.

  • Oh my gosh... I love these! You can see the badass on those girls faces... I pray they keep that confidence as they grow into teenagers!

  • This is a HUGE heart issue for me. I've always been athletic and I grew up watching my mom always make negative comments about her own body. I swear she's been "on a diet" my whole life! Even before I had kids, I knew they would never hear that kind of stuff come out of my mouth. I also believe that's why God gave me 2 little girls, so I can help them fight against all that they're seeing and hearing in the world. My M has already come home from school (in first grade) saying she's not skinny! It broke my heart because she actually is, and I can't believe this is something that 6 year olds are talking about. I hope our generation can empower and encourage these little girls like your dad did for you!

  • Lovely idea and wonderful pictures. I hadn't run across this project and am glad to have found it through your site. I am particularly struck by the first two photos. I love how the girls look tough.

  • These photos are powerful, amazing, astounding and inspiring. All little girls should know they are "enough". Thanks for sharing.

  • I love these photo's, and the fact they are in black and white I think empowers them even more. Love this, thank you for sharing!

  • JOY is the new pretty. and the old pretty.
