
A New Twist On An Old-Fashion: ProCakes High Protein Pancakes

Pancakes is one of my favorites foods in the world.  I can eat them any time of the day.  So when I was selected to try the new ProCakes High Protein Pancakes, I was pretty excited for a few reasons.  First, I heart pancakes.  Second, I love a healthy breakfast.  And third and probably most importantly, I have not had a good experience with protein pancakes.

Whenever I make protein pancakes or waffles they always turn out-- just not right-- and consistently there is one thing I have noticed: protein always has the worse after taste when you apply heat to it. But I am a follower of ProCakes creator, Caren Magill and her blog The Fit Habit and I remember when she launched ProCakes this year.  She was so excited that I could not wait to give it a try, especially as I read some of the fantastic reviews.


First can we talk about packaging for a second?  I appreciate the effort put into packaging and I am not going to lie: I love a nice packaged product.  And this one I like: simple, modern and to the point.   Now here are a few things about this protein pancake mix:
  • It contains over 20 grams of proteins per serving.
  • Made of whey protein and a combination of coconut, almond gluten-free flours.
  • It is uniquely designed to satisfy hunger and craving.
  • Carb smart, has no added sugars and it is gluten free.
  • Super easy to mix: 1 egg + milk  ( I used almond milk for mine).
I am not good at making pancakes, because they always come out in weird shapes plus my momma makes the best.  Instead I am a waffle maniac thanks to a waffle machine, but not knowing how to control the heat in a waffle machine I took a leap of faith and the pancake route I went.  By the way, I like the edges of my pancakes slightly brown.  It has always been my thing.

The pancakes were very easy to make and took no time even though they have to be cooked in medium to low heat.  Flavor wise, I really liked them.  Actually I liked them a lot.  To me they tasted like normal pancakes.  

They are a bit more dense than a normal pancakes but remember that they contain coconut and almond flours which is more dense and absorbs more liquid.  But what I really paid attention to was flavor.  And was I in for a surprise. I truly expected to have that strong aftertaste I normally get with protein pancakes and I kept trying to see if I could taste it, but it was barely there!  So this made it a definite winner in my book!

I have been looking for a good protein pancake recipe but they all require all these ingredients.  And truly, when I wake up the in the morning I do not want to put in my Barefoot Contessa hat.  This mix solves that by providing a premix that is easy to use and delicious.  So delicious, that I even liked them without syrup.  I am really glad I had the opportunity to try them because ProCakes truly renewed my confidence in protein pancakes. 

** I received a sample of the product from ProCakes for review via Fitfluential.  I was not compensated monetarily for my review. 


  1. This looks so good! I want to make a protein pancake mix so badly :) One that I can eat!!

    1. GiGi, I gave up trying to make my own. I think I really am sold on this pre-mix. Quick, easy and tasty.

  • Good afternoon Island Girl! How are ya?

    So good to see you here on this spectacular looking new blog you have! I love a white background with good pictures and clear text. BRAVO!

    Thank you for coming to visit today! May I then put you on my list? Please confirm, and I'll put you on my list TOUT DE SUITE! Anita

    (the party is fun....just be inventive and show us for that entire week - can you leave the post up for a week? Show us what European city you love and have fun and post on whatever about it!) Anita

  • Wow they Look amazing ! I've Tried out alot if Protein pancakes but haven't found the one yet:( this Sounds promising! Thanks for sharing(:

  • You're right–the packaging is so well executed, and the pancakes look divine! Every few weeks I think we'll cook up pancakes, but maybe this is finally the week!

  • I've never seen those and they do look good. I usually add protein powder to another brand to make them better for me.
