Hello everyone!  Happy Monday!  If you are visiting from the Europe: Simple Irresistible Link Party, please click HERE or go to the previous post.  For everyone else, HI! I hope y'alls weekend was awesome.  Mine was really good and to be honest I was still riding the happiness wave of having made the Lieutenant Colonel list.  This made some not so cool moments not so bad.  Here are my ups and downs for this weekend (I'm using Rebecca Jo's Up & Down format because its fun):

// UP //
I found on Friday that my recipe for Ceviche Verde was published by Nutritional WOD, the sister food site to Crossfit related  I submitted the recipe a few weeks ago and was so happy that they published it!


On Friday I celebrated by going to my CrossFit foundations class and it was so AWESOME! NOT!  First we had a new instructor.  See that little lady on the left?  Yeah... she was a bit scary and super hyper at first.  And after the review portion we all agreed "we were going to die" that night. 

Oh my goodness, this was the hardest class so far and she was brutal.  The workout is called The Seven and it is infamously known for being a meat grinder.  When I was done with the workout I literally fell to the ground exhausted.  Had to stop for some coffee on the way home so I would not fall asleep.  The good thing? I am getting stronger.  I can tell when I do my run-only days.  and I am loving it.
// DOWN //
There are Christmas decorations displayed at Hobby Lobby.  Need I say more?  What the heck?  After the long winter, can I enjoy summer without thinking about the upcoming seasons? Ugh...
// UP //
Even though I should realize this every day-- this weekend I finally felt truly blessed.  I may not be rich but I have health, a good family, a lovely pup, an amazing fiance and a job that I really like.  This is good.  I realized I am living the good life.
how cute is that wall art?  Love my red toesies?  And how about Jack's bedroom eyes? ;-)

// DOWN //
So with the selection for promotion many friends and family are so happy and the congratulations just poured in.  But on that same token, some haters came out of the woodwork.  It was pretty surprising because some are friends... well at least I consider them friends.  But I refused to let them steal my joy.  Instead I say to them... 
Yes, this is not the end of God's plans for me!
How was your weekend?  What are your ups and downs?
Mingle Monday. Monday Morning Gossip


  1. Yay I LOVE up and down posts! That WOD looks tough, way to get it done! And as much as I love Christmas I don't need it starting in July lol!

    1. Lauren, same here! I am still defrosting from this past winter here in the Midwest.

  • I am avoiding that area of Hobby Lobby... seriously - I take a turn to the right instead of the left. I'm not ready for Christmas trees. Though the hubs & I did have a conversation about whereto put our tree this year just this weekend ;)

  • I'm sorry you had to deal with negativity this weekend–cheers to rising above it!

  • Congrats on the recipe! I submitted a couple recipes to Taste of Home and am anxiously waiting to hear something...
    OMG, Christmas decs? Say it isn't so...I will now boycott Hobby Lobby until November. LOL!

    And I am sorry there are haters out there...I have had such joy getting to know you through this blog that I can't fathom being anything BUT happy for you. Poop on those hatin' folks love. xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

    1. Here is hoping they select your recipes. YOu always have such yummy food on your blog!

      Haha, I am boycotting too until November. It is out of control!

      Yeah, the haters... I was pretty surprised and then annoyed with myself because I started doubting my performance and potential. Ugh... wanted to kick myself for that one.
